Apple Store Apps
Apple ios market applications we do:)

Apple store applications we do:)
What is the Apple Store or IOS App – application?
An iphone if you have apple tablet (ayfon) or come on out from your pocket, turn it on, there are many icons on the screen, in short application. For example, almost always, What's up there or facebook. Here is one application each of them, in our language is considered apple or ios app. We are making such applications.
What if Apple ios App works?
As we mentioned about previous google play app if your website if you have an apple ios app, depending on the application you have the priority in searches.
For example, a customer arrived in İstanbul, apple, iphone or tablet if using and the safari browser or if looking for real estate and you have been on this site if your application has a point, make sure your apple ios is a priority. Apple will show this app as part of the proposal.
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